Monday, May 2, 2011

Supply Chain Optimization by applying Lean and Six Sigma

A company’s supply chain is its lifeblood.  The opportunities for improvement and change are numerous once identified.  To dramatically improve the speed, flexibility, and cost of the supply chain requires a structured and systematic approach.  Our proven approach follows the DMAIC Six Sigma operations improvement process, integrates Lean principles, and includes the DMADV Design for Six Sigma process as well.
The following outline describes at a high level how to achieve Supply Chain Continuous Improvement.
  1. Mobilize for Improvement and DEFINE the Opportunities
    1. Systematically evaluate and select opportunities focusing on tangible improvement
    2. Build and train teams assigned to specific improvement projects
  2. MEASURE, Monitor, and Analyze Performance
    1. Performance Measurement Indentification
    2. Performance Measurement Tracking
    3. Performance Measurement Monitoring and Analysis
  3. ANALYZEand Diagnose the Supply Chain
    1. Design of Products and Processes DFSS (Excellence, Assembly, Manufacturability, Installation, Service, and Reliability)
    2. Supply of Raw Materials and Components
    3. Conversion and Production
    4. Fielded Product Reliability and Customer Feedback
  4. IMPROVEthe Processes, Products, and Service Delivery
    1. Establish and Implement the Required Actions
  5. CONTROLthe Processes, Products, and Service Delivery
    1. Quality Management System
    2. Monitor the Steady State
Process Predictability Management has applied this process to numerous supply chains with dramatic results.  We can both teach and guide your team to apply these methods to your supply chain.  If you are serious about dramatic and continuous improvement contact us.  We are here to help.

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